June 21, 2013

Dresser Drawer Organization

It’s the first day of summer! I’m more of a winter bug, myself; I can’t stand the heat of summer. But the masses are happy that it’s summer, and I’m happy that other people are able to enjoy the sun, so all in all, I’m guess summer is a good thing.

Anyways, since I seem to be behind the times, I’m going to talk to you about spring cleaning. Or, should I say, I’m going to talk to you about one of my favourite things in the world: Organization!

Raise your hand if your dresser drawer looks like this (or worse):

Ya, mine did too for a long, long time! Packed to the brim, shirts forever lost in the smothering heaps that made up my tee-shirt drawer. I mean, look at how many shirts are in there, and all you can see are the two on top.

No good. 

Now, how many of you have heard of the filing system for drawer organization? Check it out!

Now you can see all the shirts that are in your drawer, ensuring that your favourite shirt doesn’t get lost in the billowing piles. Not only that, but what was once a full drawer is now only 3/4 full! Look!

I’ve implemented this system for my tee-shirt drawer, AND...

 My tank top and undershirt drawer (complete with a space for my Canadian Tire money)...

And my long sleeve, non-sweaters drawer
Let’s check out a side by side comparison, shall we?

Much better! 
Now, likely you will have to slightly change the way you fold your shirts. Otherwise they will be too tall to stand up in your drawer. I now use a 3-step folding process, rather than 2 steps.

1) Fold the shirt in half and tuck in the sleeve
2) Fold the bottom hem up to the neck line (this was my old end point)
3) Fold the bottom (which is actually the middle, since you already folded it once) to the top once more

That’s it! Easy-peasy! Now go shopping because you have slightly more space to cram some new shirts in there.

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