June 08, 2013

It Begins

First blog post! *woot woot*

Let me be honest with you, I don’t know what I’m doing with this here bloggy-thingie. I’ve been inspired by so many other bloggers to make things, do things, and cook things, and now I have the desire to be one of those inspirational bloggers. It’s a lofty goal.

I’ll start by telling you about myself! That seems like a good place to start... right? I am a single gal in my late 20's. I'm Canadian (from small-town Ontario). Kneesh is not my name -WHAT- Kneesh is what a funny group of kids call me because my real last name is too hard to say. I like it! I never had a nick-name growing up, so the whole thing is a little exciting to me.

I am currently a daycare teacher, and have spent the past two years teaching a before and after school program for children 4-11 years of age (yay split shifts!).

I hold a BA in Psychology and I am a Registered ECE. I recently applied, and was accepted to Teachers College for a primary/junior program (grades K-6), so my life will be changing drastically in about 3 month’s time.

I am deeply in love with crafting, and fill many spare moments with painting, making, or designing something. That will be what this blog is about, mostly.

The plan is to write about my arts and crafts, recipes that I try, things I do as a daycare teacher, and some health and beauty stuff (not a lot of that... I’m far too lazy to worry about health and beauty).

When the time comes, I plan on writing about my experiences at teachers college, and life as a supply teacher.

I hope you enjoy the ride as I learn how to be a blogger and share my thoughts with you!

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